Benjamin Berry
Check out upcoming workshops near you, or book your own
one-on-one session today!
Upcoming Workshops/Series
Stay tuned!
Current Monthly Classes
The last Monday of each month 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., starting at $35:
Circus for All!: Homeschooler Takeover at The Bird's Nest Circus Arts.
Once a month, run away and join the circus with a diverse crowd of
homeschooling families. This class is multigenerational, so the parents
and children play together! Each session includes a body-brain warm up
using the BrainDance method, partner/group creative dance explorations, and
skill building in a variety of prop-based circus arts, including hoop dance,
juggling, plate spinning, poi, and more. The result is a unique communal
experience that promotes physical activity, mindfulness, self esteem, creative
self expression, social-emotional engagement, and most importantly, FUN!
Starting at $35 for 1 parent and 1 child
+ 5$ per additional child or parent!
To sign up, visit this link
The first Saturday of most month 3-4:15 p.m., $15.
Hooping for EVERY Body at The Positive Force Movement in Rochester, NY!
If you haven't heard, there is a truly amazing body-positive, LGBTQIA+ centric
movement arts space in Rochester called the Positive Force Movement.
This class is Benjamin's contribution to their beautiful mission of inclusion.
In each session, participants will warm up their minds and bodies with the
BrainDance method, explore the elements of dance through improvisation,
develop skills in fundamental hoop dance techniques, and collaboratively create
short movement phrases. The result is an enriching communal experience for all.
To sign up, visit this link
Don't live near any of the above locations, or want additional one-on-one time while Benjamin is in your area?
Book a private in-person or Skype lesson to cover any techniques or concepts you desire. Hoop dance from beginner to advanced, building an act, choreography, and other movement/performance coaching available.
$35/30 minutes or $60/hour
Discounts available when purchasing multiple lessons
in advance, or for semi-privates with two or more students.